The Genre Fiction Podcast
The Genre Fiction Podcast, hosted by authors and first responders Jack Roney, Harry Colfer, and Bryn Smith, is a thrilling exploration of fiction in its various forms. With their diverse backgrounds and a shared love for storytelling, these hosts ensure that every episode is engaging, exciting, and a true treat for the ears. Whether you're a crime fiction enthusiast, a fan of paramedic tales, or someone who loves sci-fi crime, this podcast has something special to offer. So, tune in and embark on a journey through the world of fiction with the Genre Fiction Podcast.
Guest Appearance: Chris Miller
Adding to the excitement of the Genre Fiction Podcast is the guest appearance of Chris Miller, an accomplished actor and voice artist with over 2.5 decades of experience. Chris is also the founder and creative director of Book Club Audio, an Australian Audiobook Marketplace. His expertise in voice acting and his commitment to bringing books to life through audio make him a perfect fit for this podcast.
Chris created Book Club Audio as a platform focusing on the creative community, returning 50% of sales directly to authors, providing an opportunity for authors to drive traffic to their title and make a substantial ROI compared to big online retail. To find out more, head on over to Book Club Audio.
Meet the Hosts
Jack Roney: The Crime Fiction Expert
Jack Roney, a former Detective with 33 years of experience, has traded in his badge and gun for a life dedicated to crime fiction. As a member of prestigious organizations like the Queensland Writers Centre (QWC), Australian Society of Authors, and Australian Crime Writers Association, Jack brings a unique perspective to the Genre Fiction Podcast.
His novels are not just products of imagination; they are deeply rooted in his first-hand experiences as a patrol officer, detective, strategic policy officer, media and communications officer, operational skills/firearms instructor, and police academy teacher. This rich background allows him to infuse authenticity and realism into his writing, captivating readers with fast-paced, gritty, and emotionally charged stories.
Jack's educational journey includes studies in Police Leadership, Management, Criminal Justice, Government Investigations, Training & Assessment, and a Diploma in Public Safety & Policing. His dedication to his craft has earned him recognition, with an early edition of his first novel being shortlisted in the Wattpad Awards. He has also been selected for the QWC Printable Program and Fishbowl Residency, enhancing his writing skills through various courses. Jack's exceptional talent led to him being the runner-up in the Hawkeye Manuscript Development Award, ultimately resulting in a traditional publishing contract.
In a creative collaboration, Jack has teamed up with fellow authors Harry Colfer and Bryn Smith to bring you the Genre Fiction Podcast, where their shared passion for storytelling shines through.
Jack Roney's first Book "The Angels Wept" is narrated and produced by special guest Chris Miller and available on Book Club Audio
Harry Colfer: Paramedic Turned Fiction Maestro
Harry Colfer's journey to becoming a fiction writer is as unique as his stories. As a paramedic, he knows that every paramedic has a story to tell, often filled with embellishments and dark humor as a way to cope with the challenging nature of the job.
To capture the essence of these experiences, Harry embarked on a series of short stories, each based on his own frontline encounters but masterfully fictionalized to protect the identities involved. His ambitious plan involves creating one story for each of the major AMPDS codes, the universal system used to categorize emergency calls. With a total of thirty-two codes (thirty-three if you count the new one for COVID), Harry certainly has his work cut out for him.
Beyond short stories, Harry has also ventured into novels, with his first one, "Dead Regular," being a gripping murder mystery. His ability to blend real-life experiences with fiction results in captivating narratives that keep readers hooked.
Harrys riveting book "Dead Regular" is available in Kindle and Paperback on Amazon.
Bryn Smith: The Sci-Fi Crime Author
Bryn Smith adds a unique flavor to the Genre Fiction Podcast with his expertise in crime sci-fi. He is the creator of the Magnus Nights series, with his debut book, "The Helios Incident," making waves in the literary world. Notably, it placed in the Hawkeye Manuscript Development Prize and was longlisted in the Chanticleer’s International Book Awards.
Bryn's diverse background includes working in government in national security, economics, communications, and technology policy. Additionally, he serves as a combat engineer in the Army Reserves. Beyond his professional life, Bryn has a passion for horseback riding and even takes the time to teach aspiring writers the art of crafting fiction on platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
Bryns captivating book "Magnus Nights" is available in Kindle and Paperback on Amazon.
The Genre Fiction Podcast is not just a podcast; it's an immersive experience that brings the world of fiction to life, thanks to these remarkable hosts.
Together, Jack Roney, Harry Colfer, and Bryn Smith create a dynamic trio of hosts on the Genre Fiction Podcast, where their unique backgrounds, storytelling prowess, and shared passion for fiction come together to deliver engaging and exciting content to their listeners.